Contact details of the consular section are:

Contact details of the consular section are:

Phone +31 (0)70 3541580, (0)70 3228612 en  (0)70 3319980(Callcenter)
Mobile +31 (0)6 51596107 (Embassy,only for emergensies )

Opening hours of the consular section are:

From Monday until Friday : : 09.00 – 15.00 uur

For the most recent additions, please consult the link below in English and Romanian:

The consular section is closed on the following Romanian holidays:

New Years Days (Anul Nou) : January 1 and 2, 2024
Unification principalities : January 24, 2024 (Unirea Principartelor Româna)
Good Friday (Vinerea Mare) : April 26, 2024
Labor Day (Ziua Muncii) : May 1, 2024
Orthodox Easter (Paştele) : April 14 and 15, 2024
Othodox Pentecost (Rusaliile) : June 3 and 4, 2024
Assumption of Mary : August 15, 2024 (Adormirea Maicii Domnului)
Saint Andrew (Ziua Sfântului Andrei) : November 30, 2024
National holiday (Ziua Naţională) : December 1, 2024
Christmas (Crăciunul) December 25 and 26, 2024